Get to Know Me!

Find out why I started The Carfisher Newsletter

It’s week 3 of our newsletter and it’s about time I introduced myself!

So about me...


I’m Jason - I’ve worked in the automotive industry for nearly a decade now. I have a wife (Nicola), 5-year-old daughter (Willow), stepson (Corey) and stepdaughter (Kaci).

I’ve worked for some great companies and some great people and love what I do - it doesn’t feel like work. I’m fascinated by the industry in general but more specifically the stock acquisition space. I love researching this space and seeing new trends, new businesses come and unfortunately go, big company mergers (like when Aston Barclay acquired ‘The Car Buying Group’).


What I’ve not enjoyed so much…

In previous companies that I have worked in, there was the element of deceit and distrust when dealing with customers, staff being incentivised on how much they can knock the price of a car down to, or stories that are told to pressure a customer to sell their car to us. This was taught by ‘some’ people as standard practice. I highlight the word ‘some’ as not all people, myself included wanted to be involved in these underhand methods.

Just before Covid I was in discussions to set up a brand-new car buying company. The only way I was going to do this was if I could stamp my own ideas and morals on the business and use them as our core values. I wanted this new company to GENUINELY help our customers get the best price when selling their car. This is when Carfish was launched, a brand-new car buying company, ‘doing things the right way, the honest and transparent way!’

My role in this new company is Head of Business. I am not named as a director, or a Co-Founder, I am just the head of business, however I have been integral in every decision throughout the company’s lifetime and had a hand in key areas, such as the name, the website, the staff we employ, all the way through to marketing, and so on. This is all very challenging alongside managing the day to day running of the business, but I absolutely love and thrive on it.


The Carfisher; Don’t Take the Bait...  

I launched this newsletter for a number of reasons. The size we have grown Carfish to over the last few years has been fantastic, however we are not a big PLC with limitless budgets to buy cars with and spend millions on marketing.

We are at a capacity where we are able to buy a good volume of cars for our size, but we have the knowledge in the market and in the industry to help THOUSANDS of people achieve the best price for their cars. So here was the creation of The Carfisher.

We can’t buy thousands of cars each week as the size of the company doesn’t allow it, however we can definitely help thousands of people a week with advice, knowledge, tips and tricks, things to avoid, scams, and how not to do it.

We have already sent out 2 newsletters answering the two key questions our customers were asking, and we hope to answer many more going forward!

If you missed the first 2 newsletters and are interested in finding out what our customers want to know, then click here.  

We’d love to hear your questions and what you’d like to know for future editions. Reply now and let us know!